Thursday, April 05, 2007

More words of wisdom

1) Three left turns, make a right.
2) When did the race start? We did not hear the starting gun!
3) The far left lane still has a speed limit!
4) Tailgating makes me go slower. Maybe thats why I stopped?
5) Keep tailgating! I drive an antique American steel car with NO crush zones, not a beer can designed to crush on impact. Hope you've got an air bag!
6) If my antique car with 193,000 miles, (without emissions equipment), burns as clean as the new cars produced today with emissions equipment. What was the point???
7) Common sense is a dying trait. Teach everyone you can. The public school system will not.
8) The bigger vehicle does NOT mean that you automatically have the right of way. It just means that you needed a pee-pee extender!
9) Just remember! You may squeeze in between the big car in the next lane and the car in front of him, but the Fire Department can squeeze you out of your coffin on wheels!
10) El Salvador had the right idea! Death for first time DUI drivers. It prevents repeat offenders.

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