Saturday, November 18, 2006

Trip to Mexico

American Comedy Network Presents: Mexican Tourism Ad

*James disclaimer:  What is presented in the above comedic advertisement is not of my own creation or necessarily my own belief.

Medal of Honor Quotes

"If it has to be done, do it."   James M. Burt,Captain, U.S. Army, recipient of the Medal of Honor, October,12, 1945.

"We enjoy today because of those who came before.  We will leave the country better than we found it for those who come tomorrow." Robert E. Bush, HC1,U.S. Navy recipient of the Medal of Honor, October 5,1945.

"Return to patriotism, love of God and country -- let your conscience mold your actions.  There are no atheists in a firefight! ".Hector A. Cafferata, Pvt., USMC, recipient of the Medal of Honor November 24, 1952.